Saturday, May 18, 2013

Goodbye first 50lbs!

This week I hesitantly got on my scale at home. You know, the dreaded moment, expecting it to go up instead of down. Even though everyone says, it isn't about the numbers, it still is a way to track progress. I hadn't been to the gym in weeks, yes weeks. My Dad had been hospitalized (twice) and I had been out of town, working the election, and still trying to work. Some eating habits had started creeping back, but I forgot I had been mowing and doing yardwork. Even though I dread yardwork, primarily due to a snake phobia I have had since childhood, I honestly did not expect the numbers to be in my favor. Not to mention, it was a mid-day weigh in. I always weigh myself first thing in the mornings and make sure I wear as little as possible. You know you do it too! Who knows how much a flip-flop weighs? I was genuinely shocked to see the number. Not only had I lost weight, but I had finally reached a 50lb threshold. Actually 51.1 lbs to be exact. Coincidently, I had to drop something off at my doctor's office, so I got on their scale and it was the same! I was estatic!

On another note, I finally made it to zumba this morning! Yeah! Sometimes I forget that a good cardio class can be a great stress reliever!


" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes."
Mark 9:23 NIV

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Okay amigos, I am having trouble. It is so hard to juggle my busy schedule right now and find time to go to the gym. I use to watch a ton of TV. Seriously probably at least 8 shows a week. Now I'm lucky to even catch 1 or 2, simply because I don't have the time! (Oddly enough, I don't even miss it.) I have had weird hours at work because I was getting ready for an Emmaus weekend and now they are offering overtime. I'm not a morning person, even getting to work by 7am is an accomplishment. So there is NO WAY I would be at the gym by 5:30am. I just can't pass up on this opportunity for overtime, especially because my mom's family is going to Virginia over the 4th of July.
Generally I'm gone anywhere from 6am-8pm during the week days. My weekends just started clearing up. So no more excuses for missing the 9:15am Zumba! After next week, things should go back to normal. But what is normal?
So far, I haven't gained any weight back, and I'm actually still noticing differences in my body shape! Always an encouragement!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Becoming a Klutz?

 I seriously have the midas touch of breaking things. I was super excited that my protein powder came in, so I can go back on protein shakes! About a month ago, the blender broke because it wasn't locking in place (It wasn't me!). Today, instead of using my lunch bag like I should, I just threw everything in a plastic bag in my purse on the way into work. Of course my protein shake spilled ALL OVER my purse. Which also had my cell phone, because it was raining. Luckily, the liquid was thicker than water. I think that is was what possibly saved me. I quickly turned my phone off, took my phone apart. The battery dot is still white (thank you Jesus!!), and I have everything laying apart, drying out on my desk. And yes, I've gotten a couple of stares as job coaches have walked by. Then, tonight, I'm hoping to put it in rice overnight just to be extra cautious. Plus, it possibly ruined my FAVORITE purse.
What have I also broken lately? The kitchen sink faucet handle (twice) and something got stuck in our disposal when I was using it (of course). Maybe that means I don't have to do the dishes? ;) Hopefully that list won't continue to grow...
I am one of those people who uses my phone CONSTANTLY. I know I probably shouldn't, but that's just me. Perhaps, during this extremely busy time, it will give me a chance to put things in perspective and relax.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Biggest Loser?

I just signed up for the Biggest Loser contest at the gym. now that I have committed, I can't help but wonder, WHAT AM I GETTING MYSELF INTO?



PS - Yes, I know I have been absent... Trying to refocus, recommit. No more excuses!